Thursday 24 January 2013

Poster For My Film Trailer Version 1

This is my first attempt at creating a poster for my trailer, as part of the ansillary task to tie in with my film trailer. The image I have chosen was taken inbetween filming, I think that now it has been edited using 'picmonkey' (an online photo-editing website) the contrast and composition works well with that of traditional horror movies. I have chosen a typical horror style font and have chosen to write it in a generic colour. I think that this works in well as the font has conotations of blood and danger, although I am concered that it may look slightly 'cheesey' and cheapen the look of the poster. In order for the poster to look realistic, I made use of a '18' certificate and also a comment from a magazine at the top of the poster. Next time, to improve it, I may use a tag line, something like the ones on 'the Orphan' posters.

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