Friday 19 October 2012

Uses & Gratifications

According to the 'Uses and Gratifications' theory, everyone has a different use for the media and we all make decisions over what we want to watch. When we are approached by a media text we will always expect some kind of gratification from it, it's not just a mindless, random choice. Every individual has the ability to pick what they 'need' and what will satisfy them. The model is based on Maslows Hierarchy of needs. Through research, there has been 4 'needs' in particular that an individual will require.

  1. Information: This is where an individual wants to find out about the society of the world. In other words, the person seeks to satisfy their curiosity. A good example of this could be The News or something like  wildlife documentary.
  2. Personal Identity: Some may follow media in order to establish models for their behavior. For example a person may identify with someone that they have seen on a soap. In particular, the characters help us to decide what we feel about ourselves and if we agree with certain actions. 
  3. Integration & Social Interaction: This is where a person will follow the media in order to find out more about the circumstances of other people. Watching certain shows may help a person empathize or sympathize with the lives of other people. People who watch these shows may feel attached to characters.
  4. Entertainment:  Perhaps the main of the four points, most often we watch media for enjoyment, relaxation or just to fill in our spare time. 

  • After considering the 'uses and gratifications' theory, i have been able to consider how it would apply to the audience of my project. Overall, I feel as though the 'entertainment' concept would apply the best. This is due to the fact that when a person watches a trailer, they are seeking to find some form entertainment. They are seeking to find something interesting to do with their time, like watching a movie. I feel that as a trailer is rarely over a couple of minutes long, the audience would not have time to fulfill the other needs i mentioned. As my target audience are between 18 and 28, i feel as though they will be seeking an adrenaline rush when watching a trailer. Psychological research has shown that this is the age that a person will feel that they have to 'prove' themselves to their peers, and will be also influenced by the people around them. I feel that this is why horror is so popular for this age range, in addition to be entertaining, watching a trailer gives them the opportunity to be up to date with latest releases. To go on to suggest that their peer group watches the movie could suggest that they are 'fearless' (especially in males).
  • In addition to this, from 'The Blaire Witch Project' in 1999 to the recent 'Paranormal Activity' films in 2011/12 the horror genre has taken a 'realistic' turn. I feel as thought that the audiences that watch horror now, need psychological horror as some form of gratification. Most horror films are filmed within the home, or even on a handheld camera, the 'fear of the unknown' is now realistic due to the realism of the settings,shots and characters. 

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