Thursday 11 October 2012

My Target Audience

What do i expect the gender of my audience to be?
Although the storyline of my trailer mainly involves females, i want the film to appeal to both sexes, therefore a mass audience. The trailer shall relate to females through the characters an storyline. As females are often seen as compassionate and sympathetic, they shall feel empathy towards the main character in my film and want to find out what happens to her. Females will be able to relate to the characters and understand how they must feel being in that situation.
I have decided to comply with Laura Mulveys theory that women are often seen as defenseless and apply laura mulveys theory of male gaze to an extent. This will encourage males to view the trailer as they will be watching a group of young girls, that in their eyes need 'protecting'. In other words, as a trailers aim to is attract a wide range of audience as possible, i will stick to conventions and follow the various actions carried out that link to Mulveys theory so that i will be able to attract a large male audience in addition to female. In order to do this i will focus on stereotypical trates of horror movies.. For example; A girl has ran away from a monster after having no sleep the night previously, she hides behind a car and there is a closeupp of her... Yet she still looks attractive. In reality, if that would have happened the girl would have looked awful, she would have bags under her eyes, be sweating and so on..
Another point to make out is that it is extremely likely that both sexes will be able to follow the storyline as the trailer is based around an extremely famous urban legend.. It is probable that the audience will have heard a story about 'bloody mary' or have even tested the legend themselves.
I have decided that the most likely target audience members for my film will be students and the working class. They will therefore be classed as D&E on the ABC scale.

Profile of a typical audience member:

I have chosen to use stacey as part of a profile of what i expect my audience to look and be like. I feel as though she will represent the female side of the audience perfectly, although i do want the trailer to appeal to many girls of different ages and interests, i think that her back ground and interests will do well as a general expectency.
Stacey is an 18 year old girl (although i want the age range to be from 18-28), born and brought up in kettering, a fairly busy town. Her lifestyle is typical for that of a teenage girl.. She is often busy juggling her school work and a hectic social  life, therefore she takes every opportunity to take a step back and relax.
She, like the girls in the trailer has her own social group of friends, that she enjoys spending time with. Stacey, as expected is largely effected by whats most 'popular' in media at the moment, whether thats through music, magazines or film. Around once or twice a month she will chose to go cinema with friends/family, in addition to this she will watch films at home once a week. When asked: "Do you watch horror movies, and if so, why do you watch them?".. She stated that she did, and that it was mainly an influence of her friends talking about a film and influencing her to go with them and watch it. ( It made me think more than the point of a trailer was to act as a talking point, so that more and more people hear about the film).

Taking her socio-economic group into account, i think that she would fit into the between the C2 and B area, this is because as a teenager and not having a house or bills ect to pay for she has a higher disposable income than other types of people. She spends this income on time relaxing with friends, and often in the cinema. The trailer needs to be able to persuade stacey to watch the film or at least talk to others about it. Her background will be from a well brought up family, who work for a living and parents have a particular skill.
Finally, as said previously, i dont want to claim that only one type of person will watch the trailer, however i think that it's Stacey's age group that is most easy influenced by what is new in media or what is popular with their peers.

In reference to Young and Rubicam's study of the four consumers. I believe that the audience of my particular trailer will be of the 'Mainstreamers' group. This group makes up 40% of the audience population. They like security and belonging to a group. This means that the audience will feel compelled to watch this film, as they would do so as a social activity (as part of a group), although the film plot could be seen as a threat to their views on their security, they will be okay at the time due to being around their peers.  

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