Friday 1 February 2013

Second Draft of my Magazine Cover

This is my second draft of my Magazine front cover. In terms of improvements, I have changed a couple of things. Firstly, I have Taken away the grey rectangular back ground that was behind the mast head and I have replaced it by putting it behind the tagline "OUR BIGGEST PREVIEW EVER" behind it. Additionally, I have added a few more features to the cover and changed the layout so that there isn't as much 'leading'. I am happy with the layout but still think that there is room for more improvement, for example changing the colour scheme and the mast head.

After asking members and teachers of my media group what I can do to improve my second draft, I found that they thought I could do the following improvements;
  •  " you need to change the contrast of the main picture so that it stands out and looks brighter. It looks too dark at the minute."
  • " It still looks like there is too much white space on the page."
  • "I think you should change the mast head, it looks too empty and plain at the top of the page" 
  • "maybe you could change the barcode so its a bit bigger"
I will take the constructive criticism I have been given and improve my final draft so that it adheres to my target audience's needs. 

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