Monday 3 December 2012

First Attempts at filming and editing.

I decided to film a few shots of Audrey as Bloody Mary as practise and then edit them. This proved extremely helpful as I didn't realise how much effort and organising was needed to make a shot look professional. Just to film one shot I needed to organise my time effectively, this meant me finding a time where the media room and actor was free. Additionally, i had to think about the time needed to prepare Audrey for filming, this meant doing her makeup, costume, setting up the green screen, lights and camera.
Whilst filming the actual shots, i learnt quickly that some methods are more effective than others, I had considered filming her by hand but this made the shots look jaunty and unprofessional. This resulted in me filming with the help of a tripod. I then learnt that I needed to give clear and concise instructions to her about what she had to do (there was no time for me to worry about her thinking i was being bossy!). 

Filming these first shots has enabled me to get to grips with the Final Cut Pro software, due to it being completely new to me I found that trial and error to see what looked best was the  easiest method. I have also tried to edit sound into some shots as well. The main thing i learnt was that filming as many shots as possible is important, mainly because it saves you so much time. If you decide that you no longer like one shot, it's so helpful if you have filmed others from different angles or with different lighting. Additionally, i have found that the smallest thing can help add a good effect to the clip. 

Overall, I think that i have a long way to go in terms of editing, but i feel like I am getting to grips with filming. I am going to continue to film as many shots as possible and hopefully my trailer will begin to take shape! 

*unfortunately, I have been unable to upload the videos that i wanted to put with this post*

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