Tuesday 18 December 2012

Storyboard for my trailer

A story board is needed so that my thoughts and ideas are organised. Creating the story board will enable me to realise if there are any gaps in the shots, or inspire me to create new ones.

Monday 17 December 2012

Analysis of Magazine covers

As part of the ansillary task, I have decided to design a Film magazine cover. In order to research the conventions of magazine covers and gain ideas doe my own, i have decided to deconstruct various covers. (Although, I did find it difficult to find covers relating to horror movies)

Film magazine Cover 1
The first thing that I notice about this 'Entertainment Weekly' cover is the colour scheme. It features white, blue and red. I think that this scheme has been used because of the type of character that is featured in the background. Due to the pale skin, grey background and dark under eye makeup, i presume that he is meant to be a ghost or something like a vampire. In addition to this the colours have connotations of cold and negativity, and this links to the characters facial expression. I have also noticed that the red writing (even though in a small font) is used to attract your attention and perhaps 'guide your eyes' eround the page. When I first look at the page i notice the red writing at the top and the "39 new films" caption, I then progress down the page to notice "Johnny Depp".

There is a smaller proportion of captions and 'call outs' than I thought on the page. The creater has obviously kept it simple in order to ensure that the reader is not overwhelmed and so that their attentions is ensured to be where the writer wants it to be.

The photo itself  features a mid shot of the main character, there are no other characters featured. Again this makes me think that the writer wants to keep things simple. In addition to this, the characters gaze is shown so that it meets the eyes of the audience. Making the reader feel as though they are being looked at directly. This could work well for my films genre as it could be used as a way of indimidating the reader and drawing them in. The costume that the character is in isn't overpowering, it doesnt distract the viewer from the face and it fits with the colour scheme used.

For this particular magazine cover, i think that the use of well known actors names is employed as a means of attracting the audience. Some thing that may be an idea for me to do on my own magazine cover.
Film magazine cover 2

I feel that this second cover i have chosen completely juztaposes the other. In terms of composition and white space they are the opposite. This cover is packed with as much information as possible, and the words are the focus of the text rather than the image of the actors.

The cover includes stereotypical and necessary features inluding; a barcode,data,issue number and price.

I have noticed that Laura Mulveys theory can be applied to this text. The young and attractive woman appears scared and helpless. She is seeking the help of a man to 'protect her'. She appears defenseless and vulnerable and typical stereotype of a woman in the film industry. This type of application however, will not apply to my film. I want the reader to see the cover and feel fearsome rather that pitty or attraction.

In my opinion,the layout of this cover doesn't work as well. When my is first drawn to the text, I notice the bright yellow caption 'KING KONG' and then i found my self getting confused on what to read next, as i anticipated to read from left to right. In addition to this, I feel that there is too much information on the page i find it a little indimating and that it over powers the picture. This is something that would not work well for my type of film genre as I aim to shock and intrigue the reader. However, I do feel that a smaller 'pop' of colour would work well with my cover.

Film magazine cover 3

There is an extremely simple colour scheme used on this cover. (white and red) Although it does attract the readers eye to the centre of the page which features the character I feel that maybe another colour could have been used. Font size seems to be a common method of attracting attention to certain parts of the texts. I have also noticed that when the write wishes to convey a larger amount of information, they use a smaller, non-emboldened font (or sometimes a different font alltogether).
Again the characters eyes are meeting the audiences, this seems to be a common feature. I also like how the image size is much larger than the rest, so that there is less 'white space'.
In addition to this, i also think that the captions written down the sides of the text work well. This is because my eye follows them naturally in a chronological order. I think that this is because the captions on the left are placed at a higher angle than those on the right.

Finally, i notice that an additional image has been placed on the cover. This is used as a method of enticing the audience with 'freebies' to buy the magazine.

Investigating possible backing track ideas for my trailer

1) Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven 

I am interested in using this as the backing track to my trailer as it is a stereotypical characteristic of a psychological horror due to the fact that it is classical music.
I think that it would work due to the slow pace and use of piano keys, it sounds negative and depressing. This would work well with the idea that the young girls life is being ruined but would also juxtapose the fast editing that I have created. This particular piece of music reminds me of the track used in 'The orphan'. However, I am worried that the music will become boring as it doesn't change pace. 

2) Linkin Park - Numb (piano cover)


I really like the sound of a piano as the backing track of a trailer. I think its extremely effective in reflecting the mood and tone i want to be felt when watching the trailer. However i do feel that the  song doesn't pick up the pace fast enough to fit in with the editing of clips. 

3) Linkin Park - Numb (Orchestral cover)
I am thinking about using this version of the song cover for my trailer, the instruments work
a lot better with the editing of the clips and i feel that it would have more of an impact on the viewer than just the piano. My only worry is that the song tune may be too well known and distract from what is being shown on screen

As i was unsure of whether to use my choice of 'Linkin Park -Numb Orchestral Cover' I decided to ask my peers whether they thought the song would distract the audience.
I found that:
"It works well"                            %
"It will distract the audience" %

Sunday 9 December 2012

Deconstruction Of Psychological Horror Poster

  • The tagline on the top of the page "There's something wrong with Esther" is written in a bold, white typography. The spacing and colour connotes innocence, which could link to the stereotype of the young girl bellow. However, this juxtaposes the title shown bellow as although it is similar in colour, the font style is handwritten and varies in case. This is a common convention shown in horror films when they want to show a child as being frightening.
  • She has a deep red ribbon tied around her neck, which almost makes it look like her head isn't attached, this adds a strange, disorientated tone to the poster. In addition to this, in the background you can see two stereotypical bunches again tied with ribbon. The position of the ribbons look as though they are meant to symbolise the something like devils horns.
  •  Esthers deviant impression is continued through her facial expression. She looks stern and is squinting her eyes slightly, her face shows no emotion. This suggests that she is not the typical 'innocent' child and perhaps is hiding something sinister.
  • The peterpan collar again is a typically childlike.
  • An extremely dark colour scheme is used, a meme of the horror genre. The colours have connotations of evil,fear and danger.
  • Furthermore, there is a glow around the child, this looks strange and unnatural. Suggesting that there may be something supernatural about the child.

  • There is only a brief reference to when the film is being released, the words 'July 24' have been placed under the quote 'Can you keep a secret?'.

Monday 3 December 2012

First Attempts at filming and editing.

I decided to film a few shots of Audrey as Bloody Mary as practise and then edit them. This proved extremely helpful as I didn't realise how much effort and organising was needed to make a shot look professional. Just to film one shot I needed to organise my time effectively, this meant me finding a time where the media room and actor was free. Additionally, i had to think about the time needed to prepare Audrey for filming, this meant doing her makeup, costume, setting up the green screen, lights and camera.
Whilst filming the actual shots, i learnt quickly that some methods are more effective than others, I had considered filming her by hand but this made the shots look jaunty and unprofessional. This resulted in me filming with the help of a tripod. I then learnt that I needed to give clear and concise instructions to her about what she had to do (there was no time for me to worry about her thinking i was being bossy!). 

Filming these first shots has enabled me to get to grips with the Final Cut Pro software, due to it being completely new to me I found that trial and error to see what looked best was the  easiest method. I have also tried to edit sound into some shots as well. The main thing i learnt was that filming as many shots as possible is important, mainly because it saves you so much time. If you decide that you no longer like one shot, it's so helpful if you have filmed others from different angles or with different lighting. Additionally, i have found that the smallest thing can help add a good effect to the clip. 

Overall, I think that i have a long way to go in terms of editing, but i feel like I am getting to grips with filming. I am going to continue to film as many shots as possible and hopefully my trailer will begin to take shape! 

*unfortunately, I have been unable to upload the videos that i wanted to put with this post*

Time Table for Filming

I have learnt that it is important to be as organised as possible so that you can run plans as smoothly and as efficiently as possible. This is why I have created a 'Call sheet', although mine is alot more basic than the ones used in the professional industry, it has helped me plan my time well.