Monday 25 June 2012

Deconstructing A Short Film

The Black Hole
I would say that this short movie is a Sci-Fi due to it being based around a 'black hole' and because it isn't based on a realistic situation. I would also say that it was a comedy due to the ironic ending. I would expect that the audience would predict it to be a 'sci-fi' due to the  title, however i don't think they would expect the humorous story line. 

This movie runs in a chronological order. It develops quickly due to the short time limit. Finally it is open ended as you don't know whether the man is going to escape from the safe. In addition the film is climatic resulting in the most dramatic part being at the end. 

There is only one character included in the film, this works well as time isn't wasted introducing unnecessary characters or making characters establish relationships. I don't think that the office worker is a stereotypical character for the genre as i'd expect to see scientific characters rather than everyday workers. 

The most noticeable aspect of sound in the film is the fact that there is no dialogue involved what so ever, i feel that dialogue would distract the viewer from what's going on on screen. The sound effect of when the man puts his hand through the black hole is often used in horror movies, this could convey that trouble is just around the corner or heighten the Sci-Fi feel of the film. Close ups of the mans face add humour as his quirky expressions often show that he is planning something, heightening the viewers interest. 
Overall i feel that the sound effects are typical of the genre, however the lack of dialogue isnt, in addition i think that close-up shots are typical of the sci-fi genre however they are used to convey different things in this film. 

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