Wednesday 3 April 2013

My Psychological Horror Trailer - 'Bloody Mary'

This is the Psychological Horror trailer I have created as a result of the research and investigating I have done into this particular genre. Overall I am happy with the outcome, however I am dissappointed that the quality has worsened after uploading it to youtube. I have tried to adhere to the main conventions of this genre whilst adding features from other directors films that have insprired me, for example Wez Craven. I decided to improve the film as I went along rather than adding three seperate versions, this method was a lot quicker and meant that there was no limit in the changes I could make. I enured that I took on any improvements/advice that my target audience and peers in class gave me. It was good to have people watch it and give insight into a 'fresh outlook' on the trailer, as i had watched it so many times that it just seemed to blur into one!
In terms of improving it further, i would have liked to have added some more sound effects. Especially when the 'she was wrong' words appeared on screen, i think that some sort of banging sound would have been really effective there. I would of also liked to find a way to improve the quality of the video. I would have also liked to have added some 'ghost-like' effects, much like the ones i create when 'bloody mary' was walking up the stairs.
I am going to get members of my target audience to give their final opinion on my trailer, so that i can construct an effective evaluation.

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